Hegemony: Platformization of Video

Hegemony: Platformization of Video
Dessislava Boshnakova, Andrea Miconi, Justine Toms, еditors, NBU, Sofia, 2024. 210 p.Масови комуникации
This book collects some evidence from the Horizon project European Media Platforms – EUMEPLAT (2021–2024), and namely from Work-Package 3 – Hegemony: Platformization of Video, led by the New Bulgarian University team. In this respect, it all started with a restricted, intense discussion hosted by the Charles University in Prague in a cold winter day; followed by the meeting organized by NBU itself in Sofia; and so forth. Then the data collection has begun, and at some point, things started falling into place and the pattern progressively took its shape, of the use of video sharing and video-on-demand platforms in the ten countries under examination – Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Türkiye.
By and large, the idea behind the tasks was to take for seriously the widespread idea of video platforms favoring the cross-circulation of European works – or, as The Economist happened to title two years ago, that Netflix would be “creating a common European culture”, nothing less.
ISBN 978-619-233-312-6 (paperback)
ISBN 978-619-233-313-3 (pdf)