Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, Vol. 1, 2018

Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, Vol. 1, 2018
Kristian Bankov, editor-in-chief, NBU, Sofia, 2018. 204 p.Семиотика
Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, a journal from the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at the New Bulgarian University and founded by Prof. Kristian Bankov, explores the new forms of knowledge, social and linguistic interaction, and cultural phenomena generated by the advent of the Internet.
A topic is chosen for each issue by the editors’ board, but the topics will be always related to the issues of the digital environment. The topic is announced with a call for papers and will also be available on our Facebook page (facebook.com/DigitASCjournal)
The working language of the journal is English. It uses double-blind review, meaning that both the reviewer’s and the author’s identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process.
The purpose of the journal is to provide a collaborative work field for scholars interested in researching new phenomena in the dynamic digital world. Our main purpose is to build a scientific bridge between the fields of semiotics, communications, social sciences and the problems of the digital era. We believe that our collaborations can raise the level of understanding for modern digital phenomena, providing both a solid theoretical framework and profound applied research.
The pilot issue summarizes the whole research program of the Center and the journal in particular. It is open to various problems concerning developments in digital culture and phenomena. We are interested in working with scholars from different research and applied fields, such as semiotics (both applied and theoretical), communication studies, marketing and advertising, linguistics and literary studies, anthropology and ethnography, cognitive science and psychology, and computer science.
Editors for the current issue:
Mihail Vuzharov
Reni Iankova
Silvana Milenova
Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication.
Volume I, 2018 has been published in 2018
Before being the title of our new journal, Digital age in semiotics and communication was a short definition of the research program of the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at the New Bulgarian University. Or rather, it was a project for such a research program, following the publication of some successful articles on new media, the big demand for such topics in our university courses, and the convergence of four PhD candidates in semiotics with topics on digital culture. Furthermore, we have organized two round tables with the same title, one in 2016 at the 3rd ICON conference in Kaunas and one in 2017 at the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), and finally we have dedicated an entire Early Fall School of Semiotics to it this past September. From the participants in these events come the papers of the first issue of the journal, as well as the consolidated impression that such a research perspective could canalize a lot of contributions that were frequent but outside a unified program – until now.
ISSN (Print) 2603-3585
ISSN (Online) 2603-3593