The Voices of Fashion. Anthology of Contemporary Bulgarian Fashion Design

The Voices of Fashion. Anthology of Contemporary Bulgarian Fashion Design
Neli Mitewa, NBU, Sofia, 2024. 260 p.Визуални изкуства
Created through extensive research, on the basis of interviews with 30 active representatives of the fashion design scene who belong to the first professionally educated generation of fashion designers in Bulgaria, this anthology aims to give contemporary Bulgarian fashion design the visibility it deserves, both within and beyond Bulgaria’s borders.
The anthology focuses on the individual creations of designers who have their own signature style and includes some of the most persistent, active, and recognizable designers who, despite the numerous difficulties and the extremely small market for designer creations, create their own labels and collections. They also include talented new names of designers who have recently completed their education and stand out with their clear design philosophy and their knowledge of the current trends and processes in contemporary fashion design.
The anthology contains, on the one hand, the profiles of these 30 designers. It gives an overview of their creative path, the elements that characterize their design vision, and their perspective of the world around them. Visual examples of their collections and models illustrate what these designers have created.
On the other hand, the book gives a “behind the scenes” look and traces the background and current state of the Bulgarian fashion design scene: the education, or how one becomes a fashion designer in Bulgaria; the designers’ main influences and inspirations; the distinguishing characteristics of their signature styles; their reflections on the past and predictions for the future; and, last but not least, the possible elements that can distinguish and set apart the local design scene as recognizably Bulgarian.
These very personal perspectives and fi rst-person emotions contain a clear vision for a meaningful future for slow, individual, thoughtful, and recognizable design. Through the modernization of our roots and traditions. Without borrowing and copy-pasting.
ISBN 978-619-233-248-8